In each region, there is a committee made up of representatives of the affiliated unions and the Party. These committees are known as Regional TULO Committees, and their job is to coordinate the political campaigning work of the unions in the region.

Labour’s affiliated trade unions are a diverse mix, from small and specialist trade unions representing workers in one industry, to big general unions.

Different unions organise in different ways, and their regional boundaries don’t always match with the Party’s ones, so for some Labour Party regions there might be more than one contact from each some unions. For others, the best contact for all regions is the National Office.

Trade unions that are affiliated to the Party nationally are also able to affiliate to Constituency Labour Parties and send reps to take part in the Party’s democratic decision-making at a local level. Local Party volunteer Officers (called Trade Union Liaison Officers, and usually known as TULO Officers) are responsible for getting trade unions more involved in the local Party – whether it’s sending representatives to Party meetings, or campaigning together.

You can find out more about CLP TULO Officers here.


Click on your region or nation to find out more:


East Midlands

East of England



North West


South East

South West


West Midlands

Yorkshire and the Humber