We believe that the Labour Party and the affiliated trade unions are both stronger when we work together.The direct link to working people, through the affiliated trade unions, makes our Party unique, and gives us a direct insight into the lives of the people we seek to represent.

Only Labour Governments, with a strong trade union voice in the Labour Party, can create real, lasting change for working people.

In the last Century, that partnership between the unions and Labour brought about the NHS, the Equal Pay Act, the National Minimum Wage and so much more.

The 21st Century brings so many challenges – a hugely unequal society, poverty pay, insecure work, struggling public services, unaffordable housing, climate change and rapidly changing world of work – it is only by working together, through the collective power of trade unions and the Labour Party, that we can rise to them.

The link with the trade unions must be strengthened, not weakened.